


CorreGene was recognized as Specialized in Special New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Beijing

 Date:2023-03-22 11:08:00 Browse:

On March 21st, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology announced the list of " Specialized in Special New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Beijing for the fourth quarter of 2022" after social public announcements and relevant procedures. CorreGene was recognized as Specialized in Special New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Beijing due to its outstanding performance and industry influence in the research and development of TCR-based medications, after undergoing layers of screening.


Specialized in Special New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Beijing is a significant project implemented by Beijing Municipal Government to promote the specialized, refined, unique, and innovative development of small and medium-sized enterprises, enhance their independent innovation and core competitiveness, and improve their development quality.


CorreGene dedicated to the development of innovative therapeutics based on T-cell receptors (TCRs). CorreGene has established a comprehensive research and development platform for T cell receptor (TCR) technology, incorporating breakthroughs in TCR cloning and affinity optimization. In particular, the proprietary SMART-TCR affinity optimization platform, a revolutionary technology in TCR affinity optimization, has significantly increased the success rate and efficiency of TCR optimization. This groundbreaking platform has effectively overcome previous barriers in the development of TCR-based medications.

This recognition as Specialized in Special New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Beijing is a full affirmation of CorreGene's independent innovation, technology transfer, industry advancement, and demonstration. In the future, CorreGene will pioneering distinct therapeutic modalities of T cell receptors (TCRs) for ACT and Bispecifics for tumor, chronic infection and autoimmune disease, and make innovative technologies more accessible to patients as early as possible.